DIY Canned Kimchi Recipes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Own Kimchi at Home


Kimchi, a traditional Korean dish, is renowned for its tangy, spicy flavor and numerous health benefits. While store-bought kimchi is convenient, making your own at home can be a fun and rewarding experience. With Picky Wicky's step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to create delicious canned kimchi right in your kitchen. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner, our DIY kimchi recipes are designed to be easy and enjoyable.

Why Make Your Own Kimchi?

Health Benefits

Homemade kimchi allows you to control the ingredients, ensuring a healthy and preservative-free product. Packed with probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, kimchi supports digestion and boosts immunity.


Making kimchi at home lets you customize the flavors to suit your taste. Whether you prefer it mild or extra spicy, you can adjust the ingredients to create your perfect batch.


There’s a unique satisfaction in creating your own food from scratch. The process of fermenting and canning kimchi is both an art and a science, offering a fulfilling culinary adventure.

Essential Ingredients and Tools


  • Napa cabbage (1 large head)
  • Korean red chili pepper flakes (gochugaru, 1/4 cup)
  • Salt (1/4 cup for salting the cabbage)
  • Garlic (5-6 cloves, minced)
  • Ginger (1 tablespoon, grated)
  • Green onions (4-5, chopped)
  • Fish sauce (optional, 2 tablespoons)
  • Sugar (1 tablespoon)
  • Water (for brining)


  • Large mixing bowl
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Gloves (to protect your hands from the chili)
  • Fermentation weights or a clean, heavy object
  • Mason jars or canning jars
  • Canning pot and accessories (if you plan to process jars for long-term storage)

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Canned Kimchi

Step 1: Prepare the Cabbage

  1. Cut and Salt the Cabbage: Slice the Napa cabbage into quarters lengthwise, then cut into bite-sized pieces. Place the cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt, mixing thoroughly. Let it sit for 2-3 hours, turning occasionally, until the cabbage softens and releases water.
  2. Rinse and Drain: Rinse the salted cabbage thoroughly under cold water to remove excess salt. Drain well and set aside.

Step 2: Make the Kimchi Paste

  1. Prepare the Ingredients: In a separate bowl, combine the Korean red chili pepper flakes, minced garlic, grated ginger, chopped green onions, fish sauce (if using), and sugar.
  2. Mix the Paste: Add a small amount of water to the mixture and stir until it forms a thick paste. Adjust the water and chili flakes to achieve the desired consistency and spice level.

Step 3: Combine and Ferment

  1. Mix the Cabbage and Paste: Wearing gloves, mix the cabbage with the kimchi paste, ensuring each piece is well-coated. Pack the mixture tightly into mason jars, leaving some space at the top for expansion during fermentation.
  2. Ferment: Place the jars at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, for 1-5 days. The longer it ferments, the tangier it will become. Taste daily and refrigerate once it reaches your desired flavor.

Step 4: Canning the Kimchi (Optional)

  1. Prepare for Canning: If you wish to store your kimchi long-term, you can process it using a water bath canning method. Sterilize your canning jars and lids according to standard canning practices.
  2. Can the Kimchi: Fill the sterilized jars with fermented kimchi, leaving headspace. Wipe the rims clean, apply the lids, and process in a boiling water bath for the recommended time based on your altitude.
  3. Cool and Store: Allow the jars to cool completely. Check seals and store in a cool, dark place for up to a year. Refrigerate after opening.

Tips for Perfect Kimchi

Adjusting Spice Levels

If you're new to kimchi, start with a smaller amount of chili flakes and gradually increase to find your perfect heat level.

Adding Variety

Experiment with different vegetables and seasonings. Radishes, carrots, and even fruits like apples or pears can add unique flavors and textures.

Monitoring Fermentation

Fermentation times can vary based on temperature and personal preference. Check your kimchi daily and refrigerate once it reaches your desired tanginess.


Making your own canned kimchi at home is a delightful and rewarding process. With Picky Wicky's DIY guide, you can enjoy fresh, customized kimchi anytime. Whether you choose to ferment it for a few days or can it for long-term storage, the result will be a delicious addition to your meals.


  1. Can I make kimchi without fish sauce?
  2. How long should I ferment my kimchi before canning it?
  3. What other vegetables can I add to my kimchi?
  4. How do I know if my kimchi has fermented enough?
  5. Can I reuse the brine from my kimchi?

here you can watch the video on youtube